Welcome to 皇冠体育娱乐场网址!
CATA, home of the 开拓者s, is moving to a NEW Location for the 2024/2025 school year! Our new campus will be located at 2743 South Hamilton Road, inside the former Eastland Mall, and will feature upgraded facilities with room to grow our Career Technical Program and Unified Arts team. We offer a well-rounded academic program emphasizing Technology & Arts education that features specialty subjects such as Songwriting, Choir, Dance, Intro to Coding & 更多的! 皇冠信用盘的报价是 & after school program for working parents called OASIS and competitive sports such as Basketball, 足球, 排球, Track & 夺旗橄榄球. In addition to our dual enrollment program where students can earn both college & high school credit at once, we also offer an ODE-approved Career Tech Education Program where students can get an early start in career readiness through certifications like Microsoft Office Specialist and Media & 艺术生产.
哥伦布艺术 and 技术学院 on Facebook
Welcome to 皇冠体育娱乐场网址, a K-12 community school of choice!
Cheerleading sign-ups are still open! Whether you're new to cheer or a seasoned pro, we’d 爱 to have you on the tryouts!! 🤸
注册链接: 形式.gle / phMXHUEbFbSRhots9
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would this be during volleyball season?
Congratulations, CATA 足球 Teams on winning the first game! ⚽️
# catatrailblazer #皇冠信用盘 # catamazing ... 查看更多看到少
Congratulations to our CATA GIRLS VOLLEYBALL TEAM for winning the game last September 11, 2024! Congratulations also to the coaches! 🙌
· CATA 小学 5th-6th
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